The Turning Point of 2012 and Beyond: Awakening To Your Truth

It has taken me multiple times to write this article.  It has morphed from one subject to the next.  Each new insight being the building blocks of the message I want to deliver today.  If you don’t like shaving against the grain or extreme change, I don’t think you will want to read this.  My intention is to only speak truth, to express the viewpoints I have made through research and taping into the energy our universe is communicating.  We begin with our bubble.  Humanity, Earth and our Solar System are entering the finale to one of the greatest shows our Universe will provide us.  This turning point in time is extraordinary, powerful and completely transforming.  Humanity as a whole is undergoing the next step in its evolution and is about to undergo illumination in higher waves of frequency.  Our world’s technological advances is a perfect example of how our human consciousness has increased at record rates.  As the world that surrounds you advances and becomes more connected to light, we are also going through the same equation inside of our souls.  These last six months provide us with the closure, enlightenment and true connection to the core of who we are individuality and all of us collectively.

The most recent technological advancement in our world that brings excitement and great insight is the progression of Voyager 1.  There are numerous news articles that were released in the second week of June describing Voyager 1 and its evolutionary leap for humanity.   The satellite we sent up into space in 1977 is now approaching the end of our solar system and is exiting what we call our “heliosphere” and entering the border called the “heliopause.”   This is humanity reaching it highest potential but more importantly, our human consciousness is expanding outside of the box we call “reality”.   Until this moment in consciousness and technology, we have always been stuck in the bubble.  Our human consciousness has been to the edge of Pluto.  We have telescopes and technology to view outside of our bubble.  Not until this point in time our actual human element is ready to physically explore the wonders beyond this point.   Spiritually speaking, we are now expanding our consciousness outside of this bubble and will realize in the coming months that there is more to tap into besides what we know in our reality.

Technology and spirituality are linked in a very important way.  I view the advances in technology as the external view of what is going on within the collective consciousness.  It is this rapid rate of light that has multiplied in rates that are hard to fathom.  Each day that goes by, we are met with new advancements and more evolved products that surpass the previous versions.   The same is going internally in each individual soul and the collective soul of humanity.  If we take a look at our world today, light is surrounding us more than ever.  As you sit here and read this article, there is light transmitting through the screen, your cell phone is a bigger screen of light than the last one you had and everywhere you go light is surrounding you more than ever.  Inside of your soul your conscious awareness is increasing.  It is becoming more clear everyday the truth of who you really are and is being guided in a way you never had before.   What is light?  Light is information.  Light is a higher vibration of knowledge.  Light carries life.  What is dark?  Darkness is ignorance and living without the knowledge.

All this 2012 business is probably confusing the hell out of you!  Is it the end of the world?  Is it the end of time?  Is it just another day?  The answer is yes to every question.  There are many ways to observe what is going on but the truth of the matter is, we are ending a cycle.  The end of darkness and the beginning of light.  With all endings come new beginnings.  The cycle never ends.  The importance of the time we are entering is the evolution of humanity into the next realm.  This is the dawning of living in the light, the dawning of leaving the dark bubble we have been stuck in for so long.

With all of  the great advances spirituality and technologically, comes the hardest part to comprehend.  As we are entering light and expanding rapidly, we are at the strongest point of darkness.  Since we are at the cusp of such great change, comes the surrender to the old and the acceptance of the new.  As an astrologer I use the tool of astrology to understand the code of universal consciousness.   Astrology is a tool, not a religion or a belief.  It is a conscious observation of the cycles of consciousness and energies we go through.  If we take a look at our state of consciousness now, we are at the end of the cycle which is the darkest before the dawn.   Even though our souls are at the highest vibration ever and technology and science are breaking the code in amazing and high levels, we are forced to deal with truth.  The truth is, we are living in a world that is not vibrating with the natural process of our vast universal cycle.   Individually, we are not vibrating at the higher levels of consciousness that are becoming available to our species.  Humanity is in the “12 House” as we call it in astrology.  This is where the darkness meets the light and in order to do so, we must surrender and live in our true spiritual calling, our true connection to collective consciousness.  This darkness is the weeding out of what does not work in our world and restricts us of our core.  It is this part of the cycle where we overcome the blocks and obstacles that get in our way.

The history of our world is now compressed into this final last six months.  Every period and age is compressing into the explosion that starts December 21 2012.  When we reach this point, all of history and time will compress into one.  We bring all periods of time and close this chapter combining time coming together as one part of history.  This will be known as the pre-awakening.  In a better way to describe this, the periods of time and history that have always been broken up into ages and events will no longer be separate events.   The true divine calling is to understand who we are, to understand the choice we made of who we are and why we are here.  It is not until this point in time of when we reach the beginning of a new consciousness.  This will be the beginning of our new identity, the beginning of our newest evolution.  A new period of time and collection of events that are different from the period we are ending now.  There really is no way to compare the new age to the old we are leaving, this new cycle is so new and transforming, we will not recognize the past.  The knowledge coming in is not ready to fully comprehend at this time.  We are still buried in the dark but yetso close  the light.

These next six months are lining you up to be on your fate train.  This is the train that takes you into your true self, the core you have not fully met yet.  The reality we are in now is an illusion of truth and a manipulation of our truth.  The channel we view our reality has been set to one channel.  The channel is set to limit us from our true nature in order to fill the need of the darkness that has been the cycle we have been living in.  Our universe is a place of free will but it is through the system of control outside of your own free will that has inhibited you from seeing more than meets the eye.  I know it is hard to understand the complexity of free will.  You have to understand that before you were born and thousands of years before our ancestors, other energies made there decisions in our universe of free will.  Whether you understand it or not, we came down here by making the free will choice to be here.  Once we are down here, it is the lesson of understanding the free will choice you made to be here.  This life isn’t about the choices you make since we have already made the biggest choice of all.  To be more clear, all the little choices you make everyday are nothing compared to the choice of you coming here into this life.  There was a plan you had when you made this choice.  It is all about the choice to follow that plan or be caught up in the external world which does not apply to what is the truth within.  It is in understanding why you are here and why you made this choice.  The events that happen in our lives are in synchronicity with the choice we have already made and our experience is a manifestation of a decision that was made already.  The clues and signs are right in front of you.  The free will choice you do have, is whether or not you will ride the wave of your destiny and connect with the conscious outlook of who you are.  Then there is the choice to resist this energy wave of the choice you already have made.   If you are living in synchronicity, if every event unfolds into one crazy connection, you are choosing to ride the way of choice you already made.   By you ignoring the truth and denying the fated energy of the choice you have already made, you are stuck in the channel that is not the truth and have the free will to live in the dark as you so please.

When you made the choice to enter this world, it was the choice to enter a world of darkness (ignorance) and come into your light (truth and knowledge).  It is the understanding of this that will change your perception and realize that there is more than one channel to watch in this life.  The external world as you know is set to one channel, yet on the inside of your soul there are multiple dials on the remote to tune into.  The only way to come into your true core and live in your light is to turn the channel internally to the stations our universe is broadcasting.  The turning point of 2012 is the ability to connect to the outer worlds channels that we have not been able to tune into.  The long period of darkness is ending and you have the option to tune into the other channels internally and watch as the channel you have been watching will change.  When you see the truth from the inside, the outside world will begin to change its perception and unveil the falsehood we call reality.  It is the belief that we have control of everything around us externally that provides the jail of your soul.  You must first break free of this external reality and go within to uncover the truth to the choice you have already made.  When we are concerned of what our parents think, society and many other entities, we actually in-prison our souls and lose the freedom of our true expression.  We make decisions based off the plans and structure of a reality in ignorance and darkness and prevent ourselves to live in the uniqueness of who we are and what the original plan was connecting to the choice we have already made.  In no way am I putting anybody down or putting society down but the truth of the matter is, we have prevented ourselves from living out the destiny that is set before us.  Until this shift in perception is embraced you are living in a reality of insanity.  As Albert Einstein quotes,  ”Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  Complying to the structure that limits your true core is insane.

Your fate is calling more than it ever has before.  The change of perception is the key to unlock it.  Tapping into the source of who you really are will unveil the red carpet down the path you have already chosen.  As Voyager 1 leaves are heliosphere and enters into the outer reaches of space, human consciousness is now open to expand beyond the limits we have been in for centuries.  A new channel will be added to your dial and we are going to experience what is on the other channels.  The option is up to you.  Are you willing to explore outside the realm you are in now?  Will you explore the outer reaches of conscious awareness that is available to you?  Will you choose to forget the choice you already made coming into this world?  There is free will,  the free will to choose your destiny or not.  The free will to comply with insanity or to comply with your spiritual adventure of truth.  Will you stay in the dark or come into the light?

Hold tight, the next 6 months are full of changes.  The truth will be coming out day by day.  The old structure of our world is crumbling in order to create a new one.  You must understand that the fall of this structure is actually the birth of doing something new that will get us out of the problems we have to deal with today.   It is this constant fixing of a broken system that is insane.  It is like giving a dying person so many surgeries that they are not even conscious anymore but just staying alive to function.  You pull the cord when it is time to move on.  It is time to pull the cord on the prison your soul is stuck in.  Not following your heart and restricting your free will to live in your true core is insane.  Voting for people in our government that do the same thing over and over again is insane.  Why vote for anyone?  We should all not vote and get real people back in the system.  Hunger and poverty around the world is insane.  Worshiping  individuals and idols who conform to what the system tells them to do is insane.  You must see the patterns, you must change your perception and awaken to the truth.

If you want to find your core you must go within.  If you want to stay in this core you must not conform to anything that denies you your freedom to be the unique soul you are.  Worrying about what others think of you or seeking approval from any place of a broken society is insane.  This only locks you up in a prison that does not allow you to live the fate you are here to understand.   I could care less of what anybody thinks negatively about this article.  What matters is that I express my core and I live in my truth.  If I worry about what my family, friends or circles think, I will lock away my true core and throw away the key.  This would then lead me into living in a society of doing the same thing over and over again.  It is time to take the red pill and wake up to your truth.  Will you live these six months the same way that you have for your whole life?  Will you branch out and expand your consciousness to outside of the bubble and connect to the truth?  It is time to leave your prison and break free into the true meaning of freedom.

Definition of FREEDOM

: the quality or state of being free: asa : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or actionb : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independencec : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care>d : easefacility <spoke the language with freedom>e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom>f : improper familiarityg : boldness of conception or execution

Are you willing to be in a state of being free?  Maybe it is better if you conform like everyone else and do the same thing over and over again.  Maybe conformity to the old paradigm is better for you?  This is the final frontier of darkness.  The decision to ascend out of darkness and into light.   The choice to expand your awareness and realize that everything is one.  This new world can not be met with anger, jealousy or hate.  Just do not conform to the old paradigm.  It is time to conform to your truth, conform to your freedom.  This isn’t about governments, systems or money.  This is about you finding yourself.  Once you have found your true self then the universe takes you on a journey where everything is in alignment.  In order to hop onto your fate you must be ready to let go of the life you live now.  If you are comfortable and need security, you must break free and realize all that matters is your true self.  Loss of money, possessions, even death should not scare you because it all really doesn’t matter.  What matters the most is your truth.  What matters most is aligning with one.  Welcome to the light my friends, let the universe do its thing, there is no controlling it.  See you on the other side.

David Palmer

June 20 2012

For more information of Astrologer David Palmer, please visit his website 

To book an astrology reading and to access David’s spiritual channel, please visit!store

Inclusive Astrology Weekend Horoscope and Forecast: May 18-20 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Weekend Horoscope and Forecast: May 18-20 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini

This is a weekend that will leave an impact on your life.  We have a rare set of events.  The most obvious and well noted is the Solar Eclipse in Gemini but before I get to that, I want to talk about the Dark New Moon in Taurus.  On Friday and Saturday we are gifted with the Moon in Taurus.  This rare event is a dark moon but it is almost an a new moon and one that falls at the end of a Sun transit that will turn both planets into a Solar Eclipse.   This Taurus transit was the key point in the grand trine that built a new foundation in our lives.  It provided us with the deep insight into our value and to find what is worthwhile in our lives.  With the rare “dark new moon” I am calling it, this is a time to get deep into our feelings and become clear on what we find valuable in our lives.  The Moon on Friday will check in with Mars and Pluto to form a grand trine and gives us the last time to check in emotionally into what valuable lifestyle we want to push ahead with and what valuable goals we want to change.  On Saturday, the Moon conjuncts Mercury & Jupiter to check in with what thoughts we want to process and what big ideas we have for our lives.

Sunday is the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  This one is big because it falls at the beginning of the Gemini transit and paves the way for Jupiter that arrives in less than a month.  The zero degree mark is the cusp that bridges two signs, it is the start of one sign but is the relay between the sign before it.  This eclipse bridges all the Taurus energy we have spent the last year working on, our value.  This eclipse will light up and illuminate our minds with the understanding of what our value is.  This eclipse will be the start of curiosity in our lives and the world that surrounds us.  The most important part of this eclipse, is the fact that Venus is in her retrograde in Gemini and Jupiter is on his way in.  The eclipse is the trumpet call to truth and the expression of our minds.  Curiosity hits your world.

See you on Monday.

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Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Thursday May 17 2012 Moon Opposes Saturn

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Wednesday May 17 2012

Don’t talk back to the teacher today.  It can cause some problems.  🙂

The Moon in Aries opposes Saturn and gets us really amped up about our needs and we cringe and the responsibility we have to our partners and how hard it is to get some balance and harmony these days.  The moon will also sextile Venus Retrograde and gives us a opportunity to understand the new changes in our attitudes and thoughts.  THEN the moon moves into Taurus later in the night where it goes into the dark moon phase.  We take our time preparing for the solar eclipse that will be more than just an impact.  See you tomorrow.

Get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store

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For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

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Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Wednesday May 16 2012 Pluto Uranus Square with the Moon in Aries

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Wednesday May 16 2012 Pluto Uranus Square with the Moon in Aries

The mood for the day is different the unusually suspected with a touch of feeling uncertain.  The Moon is in Aries firing us up with emotions that are ready for a charge forward in our life.  The Moon will conjunct Uranus earlier in the morning and will create an excitement of feeling free and wanting to adapt to the exciting ideas we seek.  There is a catch.  The Moon will square Pluto in Capricorn and will highlight the square that is breaking the camels back.  We are now a month away from a perfect square behind the two planets that give us everlasting change.  With the Moon transiting this square we feel the struggle behind pursuing what we want and feeling like there is horrible restriction in what we seek.  The alignment is the one that eats us deep inside and leaves a bad aftertaste.  The last square between these planets was in the depression of the 1920’s.  We want to rebel against the old system of control but it won’t be easy, it is like being stuck in a jail cell with the key just out of reach, you can see the key and have tried everything to get it but there is no way to get it.

Venus began her retrograde yesterday and adds to this equation.  We are now tuning into our mind and our attitudes have changed.  Watch your attitude and how it can sabotage the most valuable parts of your life.  Combined with the struggle we have and all the good fortune that is all around us, we are now at a point of letting the Universe take over.  This alignment we have in front of us makes us STRONGER than ever.  Our souls are in for a real treat.

Get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store

(Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Tuesday May 15 2012 Venus Goes Retrograde

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Tuesday May 15 2012 Venus Goes Retrograde

Here we are!  This is a day that leads us into a 40 day journey full of questions and thoughts that will surely change us.  This alignment is one that the Mayans held close to their belief structure and one that will change the Evening Star Venus into the Morning Star.  We will have the Moon in Pisces at the beginning of the day and it will transition into Aries.  The Universe gives us a dose of sensitive vibrations before we start our journey into deep mental changes.  When the Moon moves into Aries we be in the newly transiting Venus retrograde.  As we enter this new journey, we are amped up about our own personal wants and this will bring a very interesting transition into the day.  This is because we have Venus the planet of love, relationships, values, money and artistic talents retrograding.  Our own personal needs may clash with our mind and how it now goes into a deep process of new thinking about our partnerships, love and how we relate to others.  Venus is trining Saturn and this brings some serious new thoughts to the surface.  All in all, be prepared for a day that you will surely remember.  Reflect back to May 2004, this was the last time we had this alignment.

I want to also add to the day a note about Mars and Pluto making a perfect trine as well.  If there is any day to push for your new routine and lifestyle, today and tomorrow is the day.  Pushing for this life will lead to a change in your highest goals, aspirations and will lead to a new structure in your life.  Mars is still part of the grand trine with Mercury as well.  Our thoughts are grounded into the stability week seek and it connects with moving forward and re-birthing our plans.

See you tomorrow.

Get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store

(Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Monday May 14 2012

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Monday May 14 2012

Monday is here and we come into a day of sensitivity about our lives and the direction it is going.  The stars are giving us an interesting observation that was extended through the weekend.  The Grand Trine between Mercury, Mars and Pluto is a snap shot of clarity into what life we seek and the connection to the belief in what we are creating and how this life is tied into new goals.  The Moon is in Pisces today giving us the sensitivity and intuition that provides us the magical wonder in what is happening in each of our lives.  Saturn is making a perfect trine to Venus in Gemini, this is giving us the reality check we need to be prepared for the retrograde happening tomorrow.  Monday is the perfect day to get the picture of the life you want clear into your head.  We spend the next month reviewing this picture and questioning every aspect of our values and relationships.  See you tomorrow.

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(Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Weekend Report/Forecast May 11-13 2012 Sun and Jupiter Conjunct

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Weekend Report/Forecast May 11-13 2012 Sun and Jupiter Conjunct




We have a big weekend.  Whenever we have Jupiter and the Sun conjunct, we are in for big ideas and ideally see the big picture.  This alignment is the biggest of the weekend.  For more information please watch my video above.

See you on Monday.

My new store is up! Visit my website to purchase and get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store (Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

For David’s new monthly mp3 horoscope for each sign:!store

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Thursday May 10 2012

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope:  Thursday May 10 2012

Today we have an opportunity to become clear on the goals we want to meet in our lifestyle and in the life we value.  The Moon is in Capricorn and makes a trine to the Jupiter and Sun conjunction in Taurus.  This brings our feelings in harmony with what goals we are reaching for and how to make them turn into something of value.  The Moon will then make a square to Saturn in Libra reminding us to implement goals that will instill the balance and harmony we have been so restrictive of the last couple of years.   For more information please watch the video above.  Thank you!

Until tomorrow!

My new store is up! Visit my website to purchase and get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store (Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

For David’s new monthly mp3 horoscope for each sign:!store

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Wednesday May 9 2012

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope:  Wednesday May 9 2012

Stable, grounded, solid and planted is the energy for the day.  We have six planets in Earth signs.  The Moon is in Capricorn and makes positive aspects today. The Moon and Pluto will conjunct and bring about a deep connection with our feelings in the change we seek .  This change is connected to the perfect reality we are after, along with stability and the steady foundation we have been building.  The Moon and Mars come together and gives us the will to act.  Mars has been in Virgo for over 5 months and is starting to make some progress now.  The energy is speeding up but it is wearing on us.  Virgo is the sign of perfection, critical thinking  and thought.  With Mars having an extended stay here and starting a perfect trine to Pluto, we are charged up and have over analyzed our lifestyle, routine and reality.  We are at a point where we are getting really antsy for change, especially in our lifestyle and routines.  Change is coming, today put the work in for that change.  Make a plan and put it into action.

Until tomorrow!

My new store is up! Visit my website to purchase and get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store (Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

For David’s new monthly mp3 horoscope for each sign:!store

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”

Inclusive Astrology Horoscope: Tuesday May 8 2012

Here is your Inclusive Astrology Horoscope:  Tuesday May 8 2012

Today we have a six point star building!  I look at this point until Sunday as a fated week.  It is time to step into your highest power and create the life you value.  The Moon is in Sagittarius for most of the day and connects to Saturn in Libra and Mercury in Aries later on.  Our optimism and hope connects to our decision in the balance we want in our lives and over to the thoughts and ideas in the new starts/beginnings/identity we seek.  Today we value our optimism and watch a fated shift as Mercury shifts into Taurus at around the same time the Moon shifts in Capricorn.  We have will have a six point star that brings huge opportunities and fate into the equation.  The passionate and fiery optimistic energy will transform into a foundation that will create.  Bring your hope, ideas and value to build your new fated destiny.  Push optimism and jovial feelings into the new thoughts of the identity you want to create.

My new store is up! Visit my website to purchase and get the guidance to your greatest destiny!!store (Sold for each individual sign/rising sign)

For a reading with Astrologer David Palmer, please visit to book a reading.

Please follow Inclusive Astrology on twitter!

To listen to DJ David Palmer music to get through the day

Until fully updated, more astrology blogs at

For David’s new monthly mp3 horoscope for each sign:!store

Inclusive Astrology replaces Mundane Astrology. This ideal brings astrology to the next level, it brings collective consciousness together in a way only the stars can write.

“A Closed Mind Will Leave You Empty”